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Telemonitoring (Remote Monitoring of Vital Signs and Symptoms)


Homecare Continuum LLC assists patients in easily monitoring their health and vital signs. A home telemonitoring unit (Blood Pressure Curve and Glucometer) is used as part of a comprehensive disease management program.


How Telemonitoring Works:


The system monitors the patient's vital signs and symptoms, then sends the information to the home care nurse over the telephone.


This early warning system enables nurses to resolve potential health problems before they escalate, leading to fewer emergency visits or hospitalizations.


Patients are provided with simple-to-use equipment to monitor weight, blood pressure and pulse with the push of a button and simple voice prompts.


  1. Data transmits from the patient’s home over the phone line.

  2. A Disease Management RN in the home care office monitors the results via secure internet on a daily basis.

  3. Patients are followed closely with personal phone calls or visits to prevent potential complications.

  4. A physician may also access a secure web site to monitor individual patients.

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